Top 10 Reasons Why the Sun is Overrated
Top 10 Reasons Why the Sun is Overrated We have all been taught how important and glorious the Sun is, about how all life originates from this great ball of flame, and how it brings warmth and light upon this sacred land of opportunities and adventure, and how we owe all mere lives to the all-almighty orb of unspeakable holiness... Well, it is about time we wake up from this dream of lies and face the concrete-hard ice-cold facts, cause the Sun is nothing but being more overrated than Kubrick's 2001 Space Odyssey (seriously, I genuinely cannot physically grasp how someone could sit through that 2 hours of pure distilled ennui without falling asleep). So throw yourself onto the sofa, take a deep breath, and let me knock some sense up your intestines, cause we gonna explore the top 10 reasons why the Sun ain't as awesome as you have been brainwashed to believe. This post is sponsored by The Moon Gang. 1. It only comes out at day time I hate to state the obvious, but in case you a...